Happy one month old to my foster kittens! It's been another roller coaster week with milestones, worries, and plenty of cuteness … here are some highlights: -Both Jamie's lung infection and Parker's eye infection are gone! -The kittens were introduced to the litter box this week and decided it made a comfy bed, but had no interest in doing any business in it. Maybe next week kittens. -They are on the move and so fun to watch (but not as easy to photograph!) They're not quite into toys yet but having a blast exploring and playing around with each other. -After a rally back on her weight gain strike last week, Avery decided to give this foster mama a scare and lose weight! That meant a trip back to the vet clinic for some meds and supplements. She's discovered she likes lapping kitten formula from a bowl better than fighting for a spot at the milk bar. Her milk face is pretty cute too. Other than her small size, she's healthy and doing great, so grow Avery, grow! While we were at the vet this morning, I was given the all clear to start all four babies on slurpy kitten food (mixing canned kitten food with formula) as a transition to solid kitten food. Here's to a week of messy meat faces! My two big guys are over it. Kittens, who? We have a new triangle house to sit in. I hope you all have a great weekend!
xo, Karen
Your email list, whether for a blog or newsletter, is one of the best things you can build as an author that is all your own. Building a strong social media following can be resourceful in making connections and promoting your book, but you don’t “own” those followers. If those social platforms went away, you would lose all your followers – not with your email list. Check out the 10 ways you can start building your email list right now, even if you’re not published yet.
Now go – build your subscriber list and new fans! ********************************* Want to know more about how to connect with a reader audience? Donna just released her new online course, Launch Your Author Brand & Platform, a 10-Step Author Marketing System to Build Brand, Connect with Readers, and Sell Books. In this step-by-step marketing system, you will learn exactly how to plan, create, and launch your successful author brand and platform – even before your first book comes out. There are no prerequisites to this course! This course is designed for debut authors, new authors looking to boost their platform, or any writer seeking publication. Normally $129.99, Donna is offering readers here a special course launch discount of only $19.99! Get the full course details and special price here. What’s included in Launch Your Author Brand & Platform: ✓ 10 Step-By-Step Lessons ✓ 15+ Awesome Bonuses (video and downloadable PDFs) ✓ 7 “Bigger Than a Bonus” Meet the Experts (insider secrets to success from the Masters – other authors!) training on goodies like do’s and don’ts for new authors, agent advice, book club visits, public speaking and more ✓ Each lesson includes Rookie Mistakes to Avoid, Myth Busters, and How to Go the Extra Mile! ENROLL NOW! About Donna: Donna Galanti is the author of the middle grade adventure Joshua and The Lightning Road, which the Midwest Book Review called, “A heart-pounding thrill ride full of unexpected twists and turns from start to finish”. She’s also the author of the follow up, Joshua and the Arrow Realm, is a contributing editor for International Thriller Writers the Big Thrill magazine, and a writing contest judge at nycmidnight.com. She regularly presents as a guest author at schools and teaches at writing conferences on marketing and craft. When she’s not writing you can find her on Twitter or Facebook where she loves to share all things about her outdoor adventures and children’s books. Donna has lived from England as a child, to Hawaii as a U.S. Navy photographer, and has had a long career in corporate marketing. Visit her at donnagalanti.com or yourawesomeauthorlife.com. **** Awesome advice, Donna and thanks for stopping by today! xo, Karen Look at me, remembering to post three Fridays in a row! The kittens are growing so fast. They are now three and a half weeks old, and when I look at the pictures of when I brought them home and they were just little jellybeans, I can't believe how much they've changed. This week, they really seemed to develop little playful personalities. Early in the week, the big news was that they discovered they have paws and they are so so much fun! Also, earlier in the week, I learned the not so great side of fostering … kitten ailments. It started with sweet ginger Jamie. On Tuesday morning, his tiny meow turned into a wheezy squeak that sounded anything but normal. While panicking about him, I noticed that grey and white Parker, the only other boy in the pack, was having trouble opening his eye. As if those two issues weren't enough to have me on the phone right away with the vet tech at the rescue clinic, little brown tabby Avery, who has always been the tiniest of the group, hadn't gained any weight overnight. It seemed the only one not giving me a scare was my little black girl, Teddi, who was still busy figuring out her toes. When it comes to gardening, I gave up on my dream of a yard with patches of thriving vegetables and sprawling colorful perennials years ago. I’ve got the space and the sunlight, but I learned two things the first summer in my house (as well as the second and the third and the fourth, because I always tell myself “this year will be different”): 1. I’m not that great at keeping up with it all, and 2. I apparently have an army of furry (but adorable) creatures who can clean out my gardening efforts in the blink of an eye … many times pulling entire plants out by the roots and taking off with them. Perhaps they’re putting together their own little garden in some far away magical forest ... filled with vegetables and perennials no doubt. (I’m feeling a picture book coming on.) Because of this, every August, my garden winds up looking like a empty mess of dirt and pots filled with half dead plants. That’s when I VOW I WILL NOT DO THIS AGAIN NEXT YEAR. But then spring comes with its warm weather and blooming trees and … and suddenly this happens: A girl has to have some flowers, right? And there are NO vegetables this year. NONE (Hear that bunnies?) While some of these are for the front yard, which always seem to grow despite my gross neglect, the rest are for pots for the backyard. That’s not even technically a garden, that’s pots. Totally different. And also … well … this year is going to be different. That’s all. Here’s to a successful planting season! Xo, Karen P.S. A few of the perennials I put in my first summer did survive. Here's my favorite rose bush to prove it.
Happy Friday! It's been a busy week here with the kittens. Before I get started on our adventures, I want to briefly answer a message I received recently: YES, I am still writing! A long overdue book/writing update is in the works for my newsletter and blog … promise! But first, let's talk about my furry foster family.
When I first typed this out, it was long -- really long. So here are the highlights of the week. Plus I know you're really here for the pictures - here's one to get you started: |